Staging and professional photography go hand-in-hand.   Add competitive pricing and you have a winning combination called “The Triple Threat.”

Staging, Photography, and Pricing are three key factors in selling homes faster than the competition. Focus on what you do best… selling houses!

  1. Staging… align yourself with a professional and guide the client through the process
  2. Photography… put your “point and shoot” away and hire a professional photographer.  Homes that are professionally photographed sell faster reducing the time on market to 80% of the average.  They sell 20% faster.  That’s money in yours and your clients pocket!
  3. Pricing… you’re the pro, do it right.

Face the truth. Images of staged homes just look better. A professional photographer captures and displays that image in a way you can’t.  An unprepared home gives buyers a reason to demand discounts, you leave money at the closing table. A staged property can bring a 300% return on investment for homeowners [Source: Home Gain]. And we all know…a happy homeowner = a happy real estate agent.

Here are some statistics from Home Gain that you can share with your clients: